Recover Lost Password
Step 1 - Enter your domain name
Step 2 - Click Send Authorization
  Send Authorization 
 This will send a change password authorization form to the email address associated with the domain name entered above.
Step 3 - Check your Email
 If you do not receive an email within 30 minutes, please contact support
Step 4 - Follow link in email or enter Authorization Code
 Once you have received the email with your authorization link and code, follow the link to recover your password.
If that doesn't work, there may be a problem with your email client. Please manually cut and paste the authorization code block into the box below, and continue to step 5.
Step 5 - Submit Authorization Code
 This will change your password and send a new one to you.
  Recover Password 
 Note: This changes your netadmin password only, you will have to modify the other passwords using the "Change Password" feature in netadmin.